
We are lucky to have the pool open for the rest of the term! We are going to be swimming with Room 19 on Fridays!
We were so lucky the sun came out on Friday
afternoon and we were able to go for our first swim!
It's all we could talk about at reflection, even though we had Pet Day and Gardening on the same day!

Check out the photos to see how much fun we had!

Run, Jump, Throw Day! 2016

On Wednesday, 23rd November we had the Kakano Run, Jump, Throw Day!

We all took part in three activities,
one was jumping across lily pads,
another was to throw a bean bag onto dots that progressively got further away and
the other was a running game called Truck and Trailer!

We had a really fun afternoon,
it was hot but we did our best!

Well done to everyone to participated in this junior athletics day - you all did amazingly!

Pet Day! 2016

On Friday 25th Oaklands had a Pet Day!
We were allowed to bring in a pet to school!
Miss M brought in her dog, Toby! He stayed in a crate all day and we liked talking to him.
Emily brought in her dog, Buddy,
who knows a lot of fun tricks!
Sam brought in his dog, Ruby,
Nevaeh had a fluffy, little dog with her and
Kaiya's family dog, Blue, also came in!
We had a pet parade outside where all the dogs,
were walked around a ring and came past us!
Then we went to the hall to visit all the other
 animals brought in, including chickens, birds,
guinea pigs, lots of cats, bunnies and even a lizard!

Check out our photos to see what a blast we had!

Literacy Week 2016

We have been really excited all week in the lead up to the Oaklands School Literacy Week Dress Up Day 2016!
We were asked to come dressed as our favourite book character or in space theme!

Before this day though we have been looking at "Planet Earth and Beyond" for literacy and have been taking part in "Drop Everything And Read" and "Stop, Drop and Write" - this has been a great opportunity for us to read and write about topics that maybe we normally wouldn't!

Check out the photos to see how much fun we had dressing up!

Room 14 and 15 Swimming fun

We are out swimming now - what an amazing day to play in the water with our friends!

Oaklands School Gala this Friday afternoon

I hope all of our whanau are planning on coming to the Oaklands School Gala! 
We are performing a song that will definitely have the cute factor. 
Looking forward to seeing you this Friday afternoon. Invite all your friends and family the more the merrier :D

Congratulations to our Sprint Finalists for 2015

Five Year Old Girls Final
Five Year Old Boys Final

Ready for Run, Jump Throw 2015

Don't we look awesome in our house colours?!
We are ready to go!
Today is going to be so fun :)


Today Room 15 and 16 went swimming for the first time this term. Everyone had lots of fun! Room 14 came and watched us.